Saturday 21 February 2009

My New Lens

These are just a few of the pictures ive taken today with my new lens, im so excited to have it at long last. Ive been buzzing since i went out over the fields at the back of us which is where i took these photos.
We drove to Gloustershire to fetch and the drive was really nice and thinking of all the pictures i was going to take.
Ha but what i did not account for was a dead battery. Oh well i do try.
The day has been glorious yet again feels like Spring/Summer rolled into one, when i went over the fields, a chap stopped me and informed me that at dusk a barn owl likes to sit around in the trees, which would be great to capture also he mentioned a buzzard that likes our area and is around alot, so i shall certainly be on the prowl for them two.


  1. Lovely pictures... excellent photography!! You are indeed talented. I like your blog!

  2. Thanks Patricia im really enjoying the photography, i only started a few months ago.
